
Sloping Floor Repair in Baltimore and Surrounding Areas

Many older homes have sloped floors, especially on upper levels. While this may seem charming, uneven floors often indicate potentially serious problems, such as foundation settlement. At Accurate Builders of the Chesapeake, our teams of knowledgeable specialists can help identify the cause of a sloping floor and design a custom repair solution.

Causes of sloping floors

Though a sloped floor may result from framing problems, more often than not, they result from a foundation shifting or settling unevenly. This settling occurs when the soil supporting the home expands or contracts, causing the foundation to heave or settle unevenly. As a result, the structure shifts and starts to slope the floors, which can be a serious safety issue if the slope becomes significant.

Repairing uneven foundations

Sometimes, sloping floors are perfectly normal and should not be repaired but should be monitored. If a floor only slopes 1/4 inch over 10 feet and shows no other sign of foundation trouble, it is likely safe to go without repairs.

However, if the floor slopes more than 1 inch over 10 feet, seems to be worsening, or shows other signs of foundation problems, the homeowner should have a professional examine the situation and provide a plan for correction. Additional signs of foundation trouble include:

  • Stuck windows or doors

  • Cracks in drywall

  • Cracks in exterior walls or foundation

Sloping floor solutions

If, after examination by a professional, it is determined that a sloping floor is a sign of more severe foundation problems, Accurate Builders of the Chesapeake has several proven solutions to correct the situation, including push, helical, or slab piers.

Piers installed beneath a home can help support any failing foundation. These solutions are durable and sure to last for years.

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Trust Accurate Builders of the Chesapeake

At Accurate Builders of the Chesapeake, we have the knowledge and experience to help with foundation problems. We understand that a home is a sanctuary from the outside world and its troubles. A home’s stability threatened by foundation problems needs a specialist to repair it. Many homeowners count on Accurate Builders of the Chesapeake for proven solutions at an affordable price. Call us today to schedule an appointment.