Types of Foundation Cracks That Need Repair
Foundation cracks can be a real riddle for homeowners. Some cracks are harmless, while others can cause the entire house to collapse. The challenge is to be able to tell the difference. This article will guide you through different foundation cracks and when to be concerned.
Types of foundation cracks
All foundation cracks are separated into two distinctive groups that every homeowner should know and be able to recognize: structural and non-structural foundation cracks.
Structural cracks
Structural cracks are the cracks in concrete block foundations and poured concrete walls. They're not always harmful but can damage a house's structural integrity if inspection and repair are delayed.
Fortunately, homeowners don't have to keep guessing before they pick up their phones and call a professional.
Some signs can help identify whether or not these structural cracks should cause alarm. All of them have to do with the crack's appearance, so having someone else give an objective estimation in addition to yourself is always beneficial.
The first clue is the width of the crack. If it's wider than one-tenth of an inch, it's likely a structural crack and demands further inspection.
The crack could also be wider on one end, another sign of a potential disaster.
If the crack has become more prominent with time, it's also a cause for worry.
Vertical cracks that are close together aren't usual, even in older houses, and could pose a potential problem.
Large diagonal cracks should be addressed, too.
Professional intervention is vital if a crack goes across the ceiling and continues down the wall.
Bricks in the foundation that have stair-step cracks are another indicator of severe foundation damage.
Whether there's obvious bowing or not, horizontal cracks are also a safety concern.
Calling a professional foundation repair contractor is mandatory if any resident notices a structural crack in their home.
Non-structural cracks
Non-structural cracks are an eyesore. But fortunately, they don't require immediate professional intervention. Their main cause is concrete shrinkage, which doesn't threaten a building's structural integrity.
However, non-structural cracks can grow into structural ones over time. Identifying them in time is just as crucial as preventing a structural crack from damaging your residence. Here are ways to tell when a harmless non-structural crack is transforming into a structural one:
Cracks that weren't wider than one-tenth of an inch suddenly becoming wider should be alarming.
If a tiny vertical crack allows water to leak into a basement, whether it's structural or not doesn't matter. Water coming through a crack can cause damage, requiring immediate professional attention.
A single-block crack that has spread to another block in the concrete wall of a house is an indication that a non-structural crack is becoming a structural one.
Prevent foundation damage
Identifying the foundation crack type can be tricky. Fortunately, a professional foundation repair service can help with this issue. Moreover, they can work immediately if the cracks are critical.